Wake-up and get critical before you turn to sludge.
Face it: We're essentially lazy and most days we let Authorities think for us and spoonfeed our fantasy-filled lives of luxury. Feeling too busy to choose a proper soap for your skin? Want to make your immune system stronger? Do you think that companies who shout their carbon-footprint-offset options deserve your money over any other? If your doctor says so, it must be true?
How many of us make decisions based on embedded authority figures, popular opinion, and marketing?
Too bad there's no luxurious living when we take that effort-free-scenario approach to life.
So how do we become a critical consumer of all the information that surrounds us 24/7? There's a key obstacle to overcome, and that means identifying legitimate authorities and best-practice objectives.
Check your people-worshipping at the door, and stop wasting your brainpower. Welcome to the Heavenly Mango blog. Low hanging fruit is ripe and ready for the picking, so don't go looking for the ladder or long-pole just yet.