It's a classic often quoted: A rising tide raises all ships. I'd like to counter that there are also a lesser number of ships that despite the buoyancy provided by the bountiful resources around them, refuse to rise, and remain tethered to their anchored-distance above the seafloor. What about these ships? What's up with that?
Have you visualised a ship submerged below the surface? Are you the ship or the sea? When and why?
Sometimes I think I'm submerged, and at others I definitely feel like I'm chilling up and down with the sea. Whether the sea is a swell of rising/falling opinions and trends that fit into my experiences (or not) seems to determine my submerge/rise-and-float trends. Popular and established opinions often carry me along, mostly when I'm in autopilot mode or incredibly stubborn for things I'm amenable to.
Watch out and hold the life vest if I'm running counter current to the swells.... No force will carry me to the surface at that point. My chain is titanium and it will not stretch; apply your scuba gear and watch with me as the underwater world broils.