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Heavenly Mango Enterprises

K L T Roos
Apr 13, 20231 min read
Levon 7.3
I woke up Levon a few weeks ago, and decided he was sour enough to bake with. Warning: I've never got past being 11, so leaving me in...
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K L T Roos
Apr 7, 20231 min read
Let me introduce you to your replacement.
Not exactly the most exciting sentence ever heard: but it's definitely going to grab your attention. Especially if it comes from your...
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K L T Roos
Mar 22, 20231 min read
Tides are tricky.
It's a classic often quoted: A rising tide raises all ships. I'd like to counter that there are also a lesser number of ships that...
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K L T Roos
Mar 16, 20231 min read
Too much credit goes to the wrong people, people.
Wake-up and get critical before you turn to sludge. Face it: We're essentially lazy and most days we let Authorities think for us and...
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